Kavish Immigration


Is Canadian Citizenship Your Next Goal?

Most people who become permanent residents of Canada love their new life so much that they want to become Canadian citizens. If you have lived in the country for at least three out of the five previous years (a total of 1,095 days), have filed taxes with the Canadian government, passed a citizenship test and proven your language skills in French or English, you’re able to apply for citizenship.

While becoming a citizen isn’t your first step in coming to Canada, it’s important to know, and acknowledge, if it is a goal for your future. Processing time takes about a year, but this is from the point you file your application and you will take your citizenship test during this 12-month period.

Once approved, you’ll attend a citizenship ceremony where you’ll take your last step to becoming a Canadian citizen – taking the Oath of Citizenship. Citizenship ceremonies can be incredibly moving for everyone who attends.

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